
Security level:

These are "writable" passwords. Only numbers and letters are used that are not easily confused with other numbers and letter. For example the letter O and the number zero are not included. Use this style of password when you need to write the password down on paper. It makes it easier to desipher the password when you are typing it in. You won't be confused by which letter is which.

Password Creator
This password generator is on passwordcreator.org. The home page has a variety of random password styles available.

Suggest Writable Passwords on Your Website

PasswordCreator.org can power a list of secure randomly generated writable passwords on your website. Put a list of suggested passwords on your website near where you ask your users to choose a password.
Security level:

How Secure is Your Password


TYPEAverage time to crack based on number of guesses per second
SizePossible combinations1 trillion (expected future capability)100 billion (large distributed system)1 billion (distributed system or supercomputer)100 million (small distributed system)1 million (single computer)